Wednesday, May 12, 2010

All About Choices

So it is still early today and it is hitting me that every single thing we do in life is a choice. What we do, how we act, where we go....all a choice. Some people struggle with choices, such as people with bipolar or other disorders, however, it still all boils down to them making a choice. They probably struggle with their choices more than most and their choices can stock pile into decisions that can affect them and their loved ones long term. So...choices. They can be as simple or as complex as you like, but they are still decisions that we make every single time. Taking time to talk to someone you wouldnt normally talk to. Taking the extra time to play a board game with the kids instead of doing an extra load of dishes or laundry. Life is all about choices and choosing the right ones. I am learning to take an extra moment to choose the right one that will have longer term effects, instead of the one that will be a short cut and in the end roll over into my next daily task. The tasks are endless. Life is really about taking the extra time to do what matters most. Life is too short, enjoy every moment as it happens. There is no table of contents to tell us when our story is over. Instead, work on adding another chapter.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In search....

Seems like every day I think of the OKC survivor I met at the race. An incredibly inspiring woman that has had 27 surgeries and was told she was never going to walk again. She now walks with a cane and I remember her face marred with scars of that tragic days events and how little my own life is now. The hard times that I face as a wife and a mother will never even begin to touch the surface of what trials and tribulations she has faced and conquered. She is such an inspiration and testament of what God has in store for us here on this Earth. All we have to do is listen close enough to know what direction to go and what steps need to be taken to make a difference. There is atleast a moment every day since that I wonder how I can be an inspiration to others. What I have to offer to inspire people about. I know I am here for more than just being a mom and wife. I am just not sure of where that destination is yet. I know that I have determination in me to succeed at whatever I am set on, the marathon was a reminder of the fire and drive I have inside. I am not certain if running is something that will be included in my next chapter, but I feel I am definitely getting warmer. I toss ideas around daily hoping it will strike me, but I know it will not until it is meant to. Until then, I will live in the present and enjoy every moment with whoever I encounter, for I have learned, truly, that there are no indications as to what is next.

Monday, May 10, 2010


This year has started out to be a tough one. I have been encircled by death and illness involving those that are close to me and those that I love. I have decided that now, in May, that I am going to make every attempt to try to turn this into a positive year. I turn 30 this year. I am a wife and mother to a 1 and 5 year old. I think this year should be one to look back on and remember in a positive light rather than to reflect on all the horrible things that are happening around me. I decided in March that I was going to run the OKC Memorial Marathon in April and that really put things into perspective. I am someone that tries to listen and be led in life. I know a marathon is certainly not something that would come to mind or certainly not something that someone would allow themselves to be led into. I figured if anything, what have I got to lose? If I make it, I make it. If I dont, I will have atleast know that I tried something out of my element. I guess to some extent I always wanted to do something I felt was extraordinary. This qualified. It was by far one of the most amazing experiences.....